Released in 1988 and written/directed by John Sayles, Eight Men Out was a film adaptation of Elliot Asinof's 1963 book Eight Men Out: The Black Sox and the 1919 World Series. While the film remains extremely well done production wise and has traditionally been well-received by fans, many details regarding the fix, it's instigators, and the aftermath remain highly fictionalized or invented altogether. We encourage you to reference SABR's extremely well done "Eight Myth's Out" piece here: for more regarding the accuracy of both Asinof and Sayles' narratives.
Eight Men Out first premiered on August 24, 1988 at Kenwood Cinemas in Cincinnati, OH. According to the reference article attached to this listing the event occurred prior to commercial release of the film, for which a date had not yet been confirmed. The offered 5.5" x 8.5" World Premiere program hails from that very day in Cincinnati and has been signed by seven individuals, six of whom are listed as "Special Guests" within: 1) director John Sayles 2) actor Jesse Vincent (portrayed young boy named Scooter) 3) Lou Brock 4) Ralph Branca 5) Enos Slaughter 6) Warren Spahn 7) Don Gullett. Includes full LOA from James Spence Authentication.