Clearly worn and yet extremely significant, 1901 team photo of the Pittsburgh Pirates issued as a supplement to The Sporting News on November 16, 1901. The photo pictures the team posed in a studio environment, and includes future Hall of Famers Jack Chesbro and Fred Clarke, along with important deadball names like Deacon Phillips, Ginger Beaumont, and Tommy Leach, but it is, of course, the presence of Honus Wagner in the back row (second from right) that provides the enormous (21" x 17") supplement with its desirability. Heavily worn and crease, the piece has begun to separate at its folds, the resulting tears repaired on the reverse with clear tape long ago, discolorations from which bleed through to the image on the front. Additional edge tears and pinhole marks are evident on all four corners as well as visible missing paper on both left and right edges. Additional creasing and folding is evident. This is a 123-year-old poster that has been well-loved, an oversized piece featuring one of the most popular players of all-time. That it has survived at all is miraculous.