Attractive collection of PSA-graded cards from the 1911-12 "Heroes of History" (24 cards) and "Men of History" (32 cards) issues. A complete breakdown of the cards is as follows: 1) "Heroes Of History" - PSA EX 5 (2 cards): Lord Baltimore Bismarck; PSA VG-EX+ 4.5 (1 card): Kosciusko; PSA VG-EX 4 (13 cards): Henry Ward Beecher Daniel Boone (Miners Extra back) Peter Cooper Capt. John Ericsson Geronimo (Pan Handle back) Ulysses S. Grant Patrick Henry Robert E. Lee Count Von Moltke Daniel O'Connell (Miners Extra back) Zebulon Pike Paul Revere James Watt; PSA VG 3 (4 cards): Edwin Booth Christopher Columbus Admiral Farragut Betsy Ross; PSA GOOD 2 (4 cards): Count DeLesseps Ferdinand DeSoto Sitting Bull George Stephenson. 2) "Men Of History" - PSA EX 5 (5 cards): General Havelock Wendell Phillips WT Sampson Chas. Stewart Parnell Peter Stuyvesant; PSA EX 5 Q (1 card): Elias Howe; PSA VG-EX+ 4.5 (1 card): Henry Clay (Pan Handle back); PSA VG-EX 4 (18 cards): Phineas T. Barnum (Pan Handle back) Julius Caesar (Pan Handle back) Hernando Cortez Edward VII of England Cyrus W. Field Horace Greeley John Harvard (Pan Handle back) Sir Henry Irving Louis XIV of France Gen. Oliver O. Howard (Pan Handle back) Cardinal Richelieu Gen. Winfield Scott William Shakespeare (Pan Handle back) Henry M Stanley (Pan Handle back) Mary Stuart Hon Chas. Sumner Philip V. King of Spain (Pan Handle back) Gen. Anthony Wayne; PSA VG-EX 4 Q (1 card): Robert Emmett; PSA VG 3 (4 cards): Victor Emmanuel of Italy Richard III of England WS Schley (Pan Handle back) Roger Williams. PSA GOOD 2 (2 cards): Davey Crockett Andrew Jackson. All cards have Royal Bengals backs unless otherwise noted. 56 cards total.