The late Ted Williams worked as a great product pitchman for the Moxie Company of Boston for more than 10 years (1957 to 1967). He hawked both “Ted’s Creamy Root Beer” as well as “Moxie Root Beer” at different times. This lot features a rare six-pack with six full 16-ounce bottles of Ted’s Moxie Root Beer from the 1950s. Every bottle of Moxie Root Beer still has its original Ted Williams label intact. In fact, the label shows a perfectly centered picture of the Splendid Splinter swinging through at the plate with accompanying text that reads “Ted Williams Says: ‘IT’S MY FAVORITE!’”
PLEASE NOTE: These bottles each have mylar sheets which were placed over the original labels and affixed in place with clear plastic tape to protect the labels. Though we left the sheets in place, they could easily be removed as the labels are affixed to the bottles as they should be.