Pair of "sleeves" totaling 15 1973-74 Shur-Fresh Fred Brown cards. Extxraordinary find a grouping of cards from this difficult regional bread issue. The equivalent of an "uncut sheet," these cards were distributed with loaves of bread, the cards attached directly to the plastic bread tabs that sealed the bags closed. This is, of course, a horse of a different color entirely: two sleeves - one containing four cards, the next containing 11 of the cards attached to one another by plastic bread tabs. One can see by examining the sleeves that the tabs were likely removed from one another by some sort of automated process that separated the tabs from one another and then sealed the bread loaves. The result is 15 cards, all uncirculated still fresh and white with only very minor wear from having been handled over the years. A stunning grouping of cards from a difficult and desirable regional set. 15 cards total.