The first series of cards in the T206 set were issued beginning in
1909 in cigarette and loose tobacco packs through 16 different brands
owned by the American Tobacco Company. It is a landmark set in the
history of baseball card collecting due to its size and rarity, with
cards of over 500 major and minor-league players issued in the set
through 1911. It is known informally as the "White Border" set due to
distinctive white borders surrounding the quality color lithographs on
each card.
Though few T206 cards can be considered truly difficult, the "bat on
shoulder" pose of Ty Cobb is certainly one of the tougher of the key
Hall of Famers. This one is a classic example of "buy the card, not the grade" as the (MK) qualifier signifies an issue with the back. The number "3" is written in black ink on an otherwise gorgeous Piedmont back, but that marking has no effect on the front at all.
The front is centered beautifully, with decent corners and nice edges for the grade. Some light chipping along the right edge and a few soil spots along the bottom edge keep this one from grading higher than it has, but the colors are stunning and the registration is nearly perfect. This remains
one of the most important and highly desirable cards in the entire T206
issue, and this specific example is overflowing with eye appeal.