Interesting type card collection containing cards from seven different tobacco and caramel-era issues. Collection includes the following: 1) 1909 E102 Anonymous (1 card): Zimmerman (F-G); 2) 1909-10 E97 Briggs (1 card): Camnitz (G); 3) 1910 T210-2 (2 cards): Nimmo (G), Smith (F); 4) 1910 T210-3 (1 card): Corkill (F); 5) 1911 E94 George Close Co. (2 cards): Bates (P), Moore (GAI GOOD 2); 6) 1912 T202 Hassan Triple Folders (2 cards): Archer/Overall (F); Schulte/Sheckard (F-G); 7) 1916 M101-4/5 Blank Back (3 cards): #1 Adams (F), #169 Stallings (G), #180 Vaughan (G). An excellent assortment of collector-grade cards from a number of tougher card types. 12 cards total.