Over two seasons, bottlecaps associated with Coca-Cola drinks (Coke, Fanta, Fresca and Tab) were sealed with caps featuring the photo of a major league ballplayer. Inside each cap, protected by a plastic liner, is a small black and white portrait of a player, with players from each team distributed in their respective city and All-Star caps distributed in cities without major league teams. "Cap-saver" sheets were made available, and when the sheets were filled, were redeemable for a team set of what we know today as the 1967 Dexter Press Premium cards.
Presented here is a framed "Cap-saver" sheet featuring the inner cap for all the Yankees and Mets bottlecaps. Each of the inner lids have been removed from the metal bottle cap and affixed to the sheet in the proper place, the key being that of Mickey Mantle (top, center). Condition is POOR, mostly due to the caps having been removed. Display quality is outstanding, though the cap-saver does exhibit some wear and has become off-center inside its frame.